I'm feeling like a little Dance Party today.
If the video you are about to watch doesn't make you tap your feet until they hurt or give you an itch in your booty to get up and shake it all over the house then I don't know what's wrong with you. You should probably go see a doctor. A beat doctor. Because this beat WILL INFECT YOU.
I don't want to muck up this here party with a lot of words, but I will tell you that my kids and I jammed out to this song in the car yesterday like you wouldn't believe. Oh if only you could have seen the dance moves. I mean, obviously mine were awesome, but my children? They put me to shame a million times over. They've come up with some new-generation robot moves that make the old ones look like square-dancing.
So without further ado, let the dancing begin...
I suggest you put on your groove shoes and keep this party going. If not for me, do it for you, for your children, your future children, your future grandchildren. DO IT FOR PHIL.
LOVE this song. DIG this video!!
Oh, and here is mine:
I'm not feeling good today, so I picked this video to sooth my throat and rock soul. I know you're gonna like, Em!
I got all the symptoms, count 'em 1,2,3!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yummy.
hope you feel better....
Very nice!!! Phil was the best at that time!!!
A couple weeks after HS graduation->LA to Vancouver with the radio and a tape of "No Jacket Required." I guess the LA public school system did not make us smart enough to stop off at a truck stop + get "The Best of Lee Greenwood."
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